Strengthened by the Supper (7): The Lord’s Supper Strengthens You to Truly Love Posted in Small Town Theologian Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS Related posts: SS| Who is God? Self-sufficient Mistakes Christians Make on Social Media [2] 4. Can We Enjoy The World? Strengthened by the Supper (5): Why Did Jesus Give You the Lord’s Supper to Eat & Drink? DT| The Rise & Triumph of the Modern Self with Dr. Carl Trueman Strengthened by the Supper (3) – What’s God’s Intent for the Lord’s Supper? Strengthened by the Supper (6): The Mystery & Grace of the Lord’s Supper Mistakes Christians Make on Social Media 3. How Can We Enjoy the Bible? Strengthened by the Supper (1) – An Introduction to the Lord’s Supper