Episode 2: The Wonderful Works of God, Man's Highest Good, Part 2

Caleb, Marc, and Andrew continue Chapter 1 of The Wonderful Works of God, discussing the positive aspects of Bavinck’s teaching on God being man’s highest good. They apply Bavinck’s thoughts and Psalm 49 to the present COVID-19 crisis.

Also in this episode, information about other editions of The Wonderful Works of God available in English.

Definitions and clarifications:
Naturalistic Materialism: Naturalism holds that everything can be explained by natural causes and laws. Materialism believes that everything that exists is material. These are significant and treated together for our purposes as both deny the supernatural and spiritual.

Get the Book:
Get the WSP print and ebook editions here: https://www.wtsbooks.com/products/the-wonderful-works-of-god-9781733627221?variant=12437042790447
Get the ebook for Logos Bible Software (titled Our Reasonable Faith): https://www.logos.com/product/175013/our-reasonable-faith