R| Christian Emotionalism

Restless investigates emotions in the life of the Christian. Reject Christian Emotionalism with us and grow in your affections for God.

The Restless Podcast took a week off taking from relaxing with friends this Restless summer for this deep dive. We think you and others will benefit from this episode. This is a good one to share.

We have heard there are some allegations about plagerism going around so we thought we better list of few sources.

Robert Godfrey’s chapter in Give Praise to God– “Worship and the Emotions”

– Quotes from Charles Finnney – Lectures on Revival

– Quotes from Jonathan Edwards – Religious Affections

And Thank you to Scott Swain for this summary of Edwards on Affections in “Jonathan Edwards’ “A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections”(a good short read if you want)