STT| Do You Have to Perform for God to Accept You (HC LD 23, QA 59-61)?

Is it important for you and me to believe the Apostles’ Creed, indeed everything in it? If we believe the Apostles’ Creed, how does that help or benefit us? Believing the gospel is critical to having comfort in life and death, especially considering how much we sin in thought, word, and deed. Take comfort in the gospel by believing the doctrine of double imputation. 

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR FAMILY WORSHIP: (1) Why do so many people think that God accepts them because they do enough good works? (2) Why does a performance mentality in life lead to self-righteousness or despair? (3) Do your good works contribute at all to your right standing before God? (4) How does self-righteousness connect to a works-righteousness mentality?