STT| Many Professing Christians Apparently Don’t Know the Holy Spirit (HC LD 20, QA 53)

The Holy Spirit is a tremendous gift to the church. Believers would not survive in their battle against their flesh, the world, and the devil without the Holy Spirit. And yet, many professing Christians don’t actually know the Holy Spirit. They have idolatrous conceptions of him. Do you know the Holy Spirit? 

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR FAMILY WORSHIP: (1) Why is it important to think about the Holy Spirit as a person and not an “it”? (2) The Holy Spirit is omnipotent, but why is it important not to think of the Holy Spirit as a force like in Star Wars? (3) When it comes to the Holy Spirit, why are the ecumenical creeds and Reformed confessions helpful, and how are many professing Christians struggling because they don’t know the creeds and confessions? (4) Should we worship the Holy Spirit and pray to Him?